To find Find Finding Found
though when unless because
It’s very kind of you. Oh, how careless of me! I might as well go and get it. Well, I can do without it.
though when unless because
To find Find Finding Found
Very well Well done That's OK I'm well
bad with badly with well with good with
though when unless because
though when unless because
though when unless because
hard; well harder; good hard; better harder; better
It’s very kind of you. Oh, how carelem of me! I might u well go and get it. Well, I can do without it.
Very well Well done That's OK I'm well
It's very kind of you. Oh, how careless of me! I might as well go and get it. Well, I can do without it.
Very well Well done That's OK I'm well
It’s very nice of you. Oh, how careless of mE. I might as well go and get it. Well, I can do without it.
when though unless because