the thief having caught caught the thief the thief’s being caught the thief to be caught
the thief being caught catch the thief the thief having caught the thief to be caught
headed was heading have headed had headed
Having seen him steal Seen stolen Seen stealing Seeing him steal
the thief having caught catch the thief the thief being caught the thief to be caught
so he was not a thief in fact because he was less intelligent than others but he made stealing plans and gave orders for he was afraid of being caught
the thief having been caught the thief to be caught catch the thief the thief being caught
the thief having caught catch the thief the thief being caught the thief to be caught
the thief having caught catch the thief the thief being caught the thief to be caught
having caught stealing to be caught stealing to have caught stealing to have been caught stealing
the thief having caught catch the thief the thief being caught the thief to be caught
who caught stealing to be caught stealing caught to steal caught stealing
the thief having caught catching the thief the thief being caught the thief to be caught
headed was heading has headed had headed
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