must be playing could be playing must have played must have been playing
get on get down get through get to
could be playing must be playing must have been playing should have played
must be playing could be playing must have played must have been playing
didn’t; must have been playing didn’t; must be playing couldn’t; must have played couldn’t; must be playing
responsible beneficial punctual regular
did; get over do; get it didn’t; get together did; get through
I don’t want to outstay my welcome I guess I can get away with that I’d better make myself at home one man’s meat is another man’s poison
why the reason because for
mustn't shouldn't needn't couldn't
must be playing could be playing must have played must have been playing
don’t you wasn’t it do you hadn’t it
started; filling to run; filling going; fill starting; filling
didn't; must be playing couldn't; must be playing couldn't; must have played didn't; must have been playing
determining determined determine being determined
which where in which in tha
Once in a while After all On the other hand For example
shouldn't have been mustn't have been couldn't have been couldn't be