impressive competitive aggressive alternative
它是社会主义民主最为广泛而深刻的实践 它主要表现为群众依法直接行使民主权利 它是自我管理、自我教育的基层政权组织 它是基层民主__民参与政治生活的重要形式
in favor of in case of in view of in terms of
完善社会保障制度 增加财政支出 提高最低工资标准 扩大财产性收入
扩大就业规模,改善就业结构 转变择业观念,灵活选择就业 树立竞争就业,实现自主就业 完善市场机制,激发创造活力
must be should have been should be might have been
价格政策提高扩大内需 财政政策促进企业发展 货币政策促进农民消费 宏观调控手段促进消费
being is if though 江苏省南京市白下区2011届高三年级二模模拟考试 ________ there, the southwest desert contains a remarkable variety of plants. A. Rarely as it rains B. Sometimes it rains C. It rarely rains D. Although rarely rains
我们要加强社会信用制度建设 平等性是市场经济的主要特征 不守合同信用的现象比比皆是 欺诈交易直接影响市场秩序
unless since so that until
could might must have should have