Mn+Ofn+Oen+Hys(Ms+Of s+Ocs+Off Mn+0fn- Hys)Ms +Ofs+Off Mn+0fn-0en>Ms+Ocs Mn+0fn-0en-Hys>Ms+Of s+Ocs+Off
introduce Britain’s leading state to the public take on the new teachers take in the students who want to learn English give help to all kinds of students
not only famous in Britain but also in America not famous only in Britain but also in America famous not only in Britain but also in America not only famous in Britain but in America too
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EN50126 EN50128 EN50129 EN50159
leading to resulted in due to thanks to
B.C.D.四个选项中找出所给单词的正确读音:1.participateA.[pa:'tisipeit] ['pa:tisipeit] [pa:ti'sipeit] [pa:tisi'peit]2.energeticA.[¸enə' dʒetik]B.[¸enədʒe'tik]C.['enə¸dʒetik]D.['enədʒe¸tik]3.curiosityA.[¸kjuəri'ɔsəti]B.[¸kjuəria'səti]C.[¸kjuəriɔsə'ti] D.[¸kjuə'riɔsəti]4.discountA.['daiskaunt ]B.['diskəunt ]C.['diskaunt ]D.['daiskəunt ]5.apologizeA.['əpalədʒaiz ]B.[ə'palədʒaiz ]C.[əpɔ'lədʒaiz ]D.[ə'pɔlə'dʒaiz ]
introduce Britain’s leading state to the public take on the new teachers take in the students who want to learn English give help to all kinds of students
only to the students and teachers to the middle-school students to college students to the people at all levels