成熟的用材林应当根据不同情况,分别采取择伐、皆伐和渐伐方式 防护林只准进行抚育和更新性质的采伐 特种用途林严禁采伐 只要采伐林木就必须申请采伐许可证,按许可证的规定进行采伐 农村居民采伐自留地和房前屋后个人所有的零星林木也须申请采伐许可证
past efforts to estimate deforestation in the Amazon have completely failed that damages caused by logging and fires threaten the Amazon rain forest Amazon rainforest disappears faster than thought that satellite images are made use of for estimating deforestation
国营企业事业单位未取得林木采伐许可证,擅自采伐林木的 集体所有制单位采伐的年木材产量超过采伐许可证规定数量5%的 国营企业事业单位不按批准的要求进行采伐作业的面积占批准的作业面积5%的 李某违反林木采伐许可证规定的采伐,采伐0.3立方米的林木
Damages from fire and logging in the Amazon rainforest vary significantly from year to year. The worsening of the global environment is chiefly due to deforestation. It is a hard work to determine the accurate deforestation in the Brazil's Amazon region. Farmers should be blamed for the worsening of the global environment.
上年度采伐总量 本地区更新造林的总量 年森林采伐限额 当地的平均采伐量
国务院批准的年森林采伐限额,每5年核定一次 采伐林木必须申请采伐许可证,按许可证的规定进行采伐;农村居民采伐自留地和房前屋后个人所有的零星林木除外 森林采伐包括主伐、抚育采伐、更新采伐和低产林改造等方式 采伐林木的单位和个人,应在采伐后的当年或者次年内必须完成更新造林任务,其中人工更新当年成活率应当不低75%,3年后保存率应当不低于70%
采伐个人承包集体的林木 采伐自留山的林木 采伐房前屋后个人所有的零星林木 采伐自留地的林木
采伐证 狩猎证、采伐证 采药证、采伐证 采药证、采伐证、狩猎证
Satellite images are useless for calculating forest loss. Satellite images cannot detect forest loss by selective logging. Satellite images were not accurate because of changing environmental factors. Satellite images showed half or less of the actual deforestation in Brazilian Amazon.
应当进行劝阻、并按操作规程办事 有权收缴采伐许可证,中止其采伐,直到纠正为止
Interviewing wood mill operators and landowners about logging. Surveying fire damages from the airplane. Measuring the actual wood harvest in selected parts of forest. Surveying the damage of forest caused by Amazon floo
对甲铁路线两侧的森林进行渐伐和更新性采伐 在黄河主要支流两岸50米以内的森林实行抚育和更新性采伐 按林木采伐许可证要求采伐时,遗弃部分病木不予采伐 针对中龄林进行的抚育采伐,只能采用综合抚育