to be teacher to be a teacher be a teacher be an teacher
that the teacher said what did the teacher say that did the teacher say what the teacher said
As he is a teacher As he is teacher A.teacher as he is Teacher as he is
dangerouser ; a teacher more dangerous ; a teacher greater danger ; those of a teacher more dangerous ; those of a teacher
humorous a teacher a humorous teacher humorous teacher a teacher humorous
to his teacher to arrive to his teacher for arriving at his teacher to arrive at his teacher for arriving
if does the teacher know the teacher knows if if the teacher knows does the teacher if knows
Not the teacher but the students Both the students and the teacher Neither the teacher not the students Not the students but the teacher
Students have either a tutor or a teacher. A tutor is not the same as a teacher. Tutor is another word for teacher. Students have a teacher as well as a tutor.
Here your teacher comes Comes here your teacher Your teacher come here Here comes your teacher
As he is a teacher As he is teacher A teacher as he is Teacher as he is
than a teacher than that of a teacher in comparison with a teacher's than of a teacher's
who the teacher is talking to him whom the teacher is talking the teacher is talking to who the teacher is talking
more experienced a teacher a more experienced teacher more an experienced teacher more experienced teacher
than a teacher than that of a teacher in comparison with a teacher’s than of a teacher’s
the teacher is not satisfied is the teacher not satisfied the teacher is satisfied is the teacher satisfied
As he is a teacher A teacher as he is A teacher although he is Teacher as he is
Not the teacher but the students Both the students and the teacher Neither the teacher not the students Not the students but the teacher
in comparison the salary of a teacher than a teacher than that of a teacher to compare as a teacher
enter the teacher of English and head teacher enters the teacher of English and head teacher does the teacher of English and head teacher the teacher of English and head teacher enter