the second least important cause of sleeplessness. the second most important cause of sleeplessness. the second on the doctor’s list about sleepless people. the second on the writer’s list recording sleeplessness.
the second least important cause of all kinds of sleeplessness the second most important cause of sleeplessness the second on the doctor’s list about sleepless people the second on the writer’s list recording sleeplessness
拮据:手头紧,经济境况不好。 恣睢:放纵,放任。 不言而喻:不用说就可以用比喻。 寻章摘句:搜寻、摘取文章的片段词句。指读书局限于文字的推求。
the second least important cause of sleeplessness the second most important cause of sleeplessness the second on the doctor’s list about sleepless people the second on the writer’s list recording sleeplessness
“生存的需要推动人们从事一定的职业活动” “任何一个民族如果停止劳动,不用说一年,就是几个星期,也要灭亡” “谋生是人们生活的全部内容” “人活着是为了吃饭,同样,吃饭也是为了活着”
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