be collected must be collected was collected can be collected
collected for social progress that increases with each passing year that is collected from those who earn most that varies according to how much money a person earns
of helping to help to helping of to help
of helping to help to helping of to help
be collected must be collected is collected can be collected
of helping of to help to help to helping
be collected must be collected is collected can be collected
be collected must be collected is collected can be collected
of helping to help to helping of to help
of helping to help to helping of to help
collecting to collect collected collects
which is collected, for is collected, for collected, on which collected, for
be collected must be collected was collected can be collected
of helping of to help to helping to help
of helping to helping to help of to help
be collected must be collected is collected can be collected
to need needed need needing
of helping to help to helping of to help
of helping to help to helping of to help