I had seen you for a long time I have seen you for a long time I haven’t seen you for a long time I saw you again before long
it you not you you that yourself
had seen; was playing saw; played had seen; playing saw; was playing
go; saw went; see went; saw went; see
disappointment disappointed disappointing disappointingly
saw were to see had seen did see
it you not you you that you
had seen ; was picking saw; picked had seen; picked saw; was picking
Did, go, saw Have, gone, saw Did, go, seen Have, gone, went
beautiful pretty handsome lovely
Saw; haven’t seen have seen; didn’t see have seen; haven’t seen saw; didn’t see
have seen saw see had seen
saw, saw seen, seen saw, seen seen, saw
Have, saw Have, seen Did, seen Did; saw
when I saw you last since l saw you last for I saw you last then I saw you last
telephoned rang visited saw
had seen; was writing saw; wrote had seen;wrote saw;was writing
The last time For the last timE. To the last timE. In the last timE.
So did I So I did So I do So doI.