Being Having been If you had been To have been
If the captain were had the captain been should the captain be If the captain would have been
If the captain were Had the captain been Should the captain be If the captain would have been
weren’t didn’t hadn’t don’t
But for their care If they were careful Without their care Had they been more careful
need have avoided could have avoided will have avoided had avoided
didn't; where hadn't; what weren't; where don't; what
don’t didn’t hadn’t weren’t
But for their care Had they been more careful Without their care If they were careful
would have been had been would be were
would have been had been would be were
hadn’t didn’t weren’t might not
hadn’t didn’t weren’t might not
could have been prevented must have been prevented could be prevented can have been prevented
need have avoided could have avoided will have avoided had avoided
weren’t didn’t hadn’t don’t
didn’t hadn’t weren’t don’t
would not be burning would not burn would not have been burnt would not burnt
don’t didn’t hadn’t weren’t
You had been You have been Had you been Have you been