women should be kind to their husbands women are too weak to take full-time jobs home is the best pace for women women should only take part-time jobs
70% of the people. 4% of the people in the world. More than 75 000. About 75 000 peopl
hostile tedious fantastic courageous
Machines are taking work instead of people. Now more people are out of work. Machines need more money and longer holidays. Most people want to have jobs.
people will have no jobs people can still have jobs as before 4% of the people will have jobs 97 % of the people will have jobs
people will have no jobs people can still have jobs as before 4% of the people will have jobs 97% of the people will have jobs
hostile tedious fantastic courageous
70% of the people. 4% of the people in tile world. More than 75 000. About 75 000 peopl