predicts tells marks signs
Carbon build up in the piston ring belt Faulty operation of a cylinder un-loader Compressor operation in an area of high relative humidity Lifting of intercooler rebel valve
assumes expects predicts considers
tells predicts foretells speaks
we are going to operate on the patient an operation is necessary the patient needs an operation the doctor will perform an operation on the patient
declares announces predicts publishes
suggests insists predicts possesses
follows predicts defies violates
operate on operation for operation to operation on
loading operation discharging operation underway at sea at anchor"
A. assumes expects predicts considers
expects appeals influences predicts
has much to do with the operation of the engine and its life have much to do with the operation of the engine and its life has much doing with the operation of the engine and its life have much doing with the operation of the engine and its life
assumes expects predicts considers
result happiness disappointment shock
prepared predicts presented processed
making inward operation making outward operation making cargo operation at anchor
predicts tells marks signs