How soon How far How often How long
how long you have borrowed the book how you think of the newest movie when the new shopping mall will be open why do you like watching the program
How , think of How , like What , like What , think
How long How old How often How many
How long How often How much How many times
How old are you? How are you? How’s that? How do you do?
How soon How often How far How long
How long How far How many How much
How do you think How you think What do you think What you think
How many How much How long How often
How many How long How often How much
How often How long How soon How far
How How long Where What time
How long How many times How much How often
How often How long How many How much
How, think of What, like How, like with What, think of
How; think What; think of What; like How; /
How long,will he How soon will be How long,he will How soon he will
How soon How often How long How far
How will you go the movies? What do you think about the movie? What movies do you like? Why do you like watching movies?