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Is it fair for restaurants to ban(禁止)little eaters?In Monronroeville,a local restaurant,McDain’...



It never administrates clothing, but interests food.  Food is more popular than clothing.  Restaurants use the Internet to attract customers.  Gilt is the most influential.  
Posh restaurants innovate to attract customers.  Popular online shopping sites are important to fancy restaurants.  Eaters love discounted food.  Fine restaurants’ business boomed by discounting.  
fair  excessive  good  mere  
the spending cuts really are fair and square.  they finally see eye to eye with each other.  British politicians like to use that word.  they two are of the same political regim  
indifferent  impatient  concerned  positive  
people in Britain want sports to be fair and square.  the British highly value the notion of fairness.  the British treat their life in a fair and serious way.  for the British, life isn’t as fair as a cricket gam  
Free Average Quality  Fair Average Quantity  Fair Average Quality  Free Average Quantity  
improper  risky  fair  wise  
stations  restaurants  tunnels  bridges  
fair;same   similarly;fair   equal;equal   fairly;equal  
To praise Japanese restaurants for offering good services.  To explain that Japanese restaurants are distinctive.  To explain what has just been said.  To emphasize that restaurants are all alike.  
held;had become   was held;had become   held;has become   was held;has become  

