five million more than 10,000 fewer than 10,000 no more than 10,000
seven hundred million one hundred and twenty-five million eight or eight point five thousand million one hundred million
Rendezvous in Space Landing at a Space Station New Radar for the Space Age Space Navigation
Five Ninety -five Five percent of them Ninety - five percent of them
The detail seen through a microscope. Sources of illumination for microscopes. A new kind of microscope. Outdated microscopic techniques.
The Human Sense of Smell Dogs Have Poor Eyesight Sense of Smell Dogs Have Excellent Sense of Smell
five million more than 10 000 fewer than 10 000 no more than 10 000
accuracy ill speed measurement is essential to spaceships the speeds of space vehicles will vary inaccuracies in measurement could cause accidents in space missions a bump could affect the preciseness of the laser-doppler radar
The Human Sense of Smell Dogs Have Poor Eyesight Sense of Smell Dogs Have Excellent Sense of Smell
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