special private general good
ability behavior education background
private general good special
in need of in honor of in favor of regardless of
ability behavior education background
good special private general
reasonable equal flexible convenient
it’s easier to get part-time work abroad there are more activities to take part in than at home everyone can get scholarships or special loans their main problem abroad is the lack of money
special provide general good
good special private general
different groups needed different kinds of education special programs Should be set up in frontier communities to modernize them corporations and other organizations damaged educational progress more women should be involved in education and industry
habit disability misconception belief
good special private general
genius students from day-care centers to colleges students who are fond of computer video games teachers of language in the University of Arizona students who are either mentally or physically disabled
ability behavior education background
it’s easier to get part-time work abroad there are more activities to take part in than at home everyone can get scholarships or special loans their main problem abroad is the lack of money
handicapped students and their problems videodisc and special education computer assisted teaching programs normal children and handicapped kids
its fancy design is very attractive it allows the user to go back to where he wants to restudy the content of it is healthy and promising it is developed by university professors
prosperous alternate coming retirement