The average temperature of an extremely hot day. The highest temperature of an extremely hot day. The lowest temperature of an extremely hot day. The nighttime temperature of an extremely hot day.
deadly. painful. helpful. stressful.
计算矩阵外围一圈元素的累加和 计算矩阵除外围一圈以外的所有元素的累加和 计算矩阵第1列和最后一列元素的累加和 计算矩阵第1行和最后一行元素的累加和
more exercise more water less oxygen less sugar
At last In fact On average For example
Thanks to In addition to In defense of Regardless of
deadly painful helpful stressful
计算矩阵外围一圈元素的累加和 计算矩阵除外围一圈以外的所有元素的累加和 计算矩阵第一列和最后一列元素的累加和 计算矩阵第一行和最后一行元素的累加和
more exercise. more water. less oxygen. less sugar.
The average temperature of an extremely hot day. The highest temperature of an extremely hot day. The lowest temperature of an extremely hot day. The nighttime temperature of an extremely hot day.
The average temperature of an extremely hot day. The highest temperature of an extremely hot day. The lowest temperature of an extremely hot day. The nighttime temperature of an extremely hot day.
Thanks to In addition to In defence of Regardless of
The average temperature of an extremely hot day. The highest temperature of an extremely hot day. The lowest temperature of an extremely hot day. The nighttime temperature of an extremely hot day.
deadly painful helpful stressful
计算矩阵外围一圈元素的累加和 计算矩阵除外围一圈以外的所有元素的累加和 计算矩阵第1列和最后一列元素的累加和 计算矩阵第1行和最后一行元素的累加和
the temperature grew extremely hot the temperature became damper and hotter as the humidity of the surface waters of the sea increased their conditions were too dangerous nothing could be done with the hot temperature
计算矩阵外围一圈元素的累加和 计算矩阵除外一圈以外的所有元素的累加和 计算矩阵第一列和最后一列元素的累加和 计算矩阵第一行和最后一行元素的累加和
deadly painful helpful stressful
Thanks to In addition to In defence of Regardless of
计算矩阵外围一圈元素的累加和 计算矩外围一圈以外的所有元素的累加和 计算矩阵第1列和最后—列元素的累加和 计算矩阵第1行和最后—行元素的累加和