sudden evaporation of wax crystals in the lubricant sudden evaporation of entrapped air in the lubricant release of refrigerant from the oilefrigerant mixture release of dissolved lubricant from the refrigerant
could fail would have failed will fail would fail
lost was lost had lost had been lost
turbocharger malfunction or failure crankcase exhauster overload overload on the intercooler obstruction in the engine cylinders
the sudden change of social atmosphere and customs the sudden change of our daily habits the sudden loss of our own signs and symbols the discomfort that we feel when faced with a foreigner
power_fail power_abnormal power_off power_switch
which the sudden operational failure that the sudden operational failure the sudden operational failure the sudden operational failure of which
工作支路板上报chipfail告警 工作支路板上报POWER_ABN告警 工作支路板上报Phase_Lock_Fail 工作支路板上报TLOSEX
must fail might fail would have failed will fail
“PS AC Fail” “TX Power Supply” “TX Power Output” “PS DC Fail”
power_switch power_abnormal power_fail power_off
A blackout will follow. Electricity will transmit through another grid. The power failure will go almost unnoticed. Workers must go to site to restore electricity.
fail would fail should fail had failed
power_abnormal power_switch power_fail power_alm