do heavy work or earn more money do less paper work or take less responsibility do more paper work or take less responsibility do light work or live quiet lives
their own businesses will provide large income but less responsibility their own businesses will not relieve them from paper work and responsibility their own businesses will require longer working hours but less paper work their own businesses could easily fail
“宜居乡村” “书香乡村” “绿盈乡村” “秀美乡村”
All of them close down in the first two years. Most of them fail within the first two years. They all make big profits. Only half of them continue to operate after the first two years.
his talent, his skill in management, and his devotion to his work his good luck his good relations with a business manager his good treatment of his workers
He stayed at home. He borrowed money from a bank. He made investigations and drew up a plan. He wrote a book.