housewives, the wonder women what would happen if housewives went on strike the replacement of women by men as housewives the setting up of a national holiday for housewives
drive like crazy men drive much better than men are conscientious and responsible want to put men to shame
hostile light-hearted objective superior
women are born to be weaker than men women have more prolactin in their bodies men are taught not to cry both B and C
men are more likely than women to get their views across on workplace women are more likely than men to talk about social activities men seldom show their feelings except on sports women shouldn’t show their feelings in sports and politics
drive like crazy men drive much better than men are conscientious and responsible want to put men to shame
hostile light-hearted objective superior
In politics, men are weaker than women. People like emotional statesmen. People don’t like iron ladies. Women have to show they are stronger in politics.
women have fought very hard for success women have to bear and rear children women have never succeeded before men still carry on the sex war
women have fought very hard for success women have to bear and rear children women have never succeeded before men still carry on the sex war
Women’s struggle for recognition has been completely won. Women have proved their abilities in many fields. Women can not get the same educational opportunities as men. Women are now regarded as equal to men all over the world.
A historian. A government officer. A sociologist. An Educator.
Women’s struggle for recognition has been completely won. Women have proved their abilities in many fields. Women can not get the same educational opportunities as men. Women are now regarded as equal to men all over the worl
women have to show their beauty through their looks beautiful clothes can make women more attractive women should lay more emphasis on their own qualities women are more curious about new things than men