Trust,Local,Untrust,DMZ Trust,DMZ,Untrust,Local Local,Trust,DMZ,Untrust Local,Trust,Untrust,DMZ
scientist computer programmer astronaut engineer
Fun(20); Fun(20+; Fun(; Fun(&;
线性衰减定律 对数衰减定律 Lambert Beer定律 Hu衰减定律 Raymond定律
fun(20); fun(20+n); fun(n); fun(&n);
Fun(20); Fun(20+; Fun(; Fun(&;
Trust、Untrust、DMZ、Local Local、DMZ、Trust、Untrust Local、Trust、DMZ、Untrust Trust、Local、DMZ、Untrust
TRUST试验阳性 TPPA试验阳性 TRUST试验和TPPA试验同时阳性 TRUST试验,TPPA试验和19S-IgM试验均阳性
void fun(void) void fun(void) fun(int s) fun(int s)return s+1;
Fun(20); Fun(20+n); Fun(n); Fun(&n);
Fun(20); Fun(20+n); Fun(n); Fun(&n);
a fun; tears fun; tears fun; tear a fun; tear
Fun(20); Fun(20+; Fun(; Pun(&;
void fun(voi void fun(voi{} fun(int {} fun(int {return s+1;}
fun(20); fun(20+; fun(; fun(&;
Fun(20); Fun(20+n); Fun(n); Fun(&n);
Trust funds have been placed in the hands of American Indians. American Indians should become increasingly vocal for justice. Payments owed to American Indian have been indefinitely delayed. BIA reaped great rewards by deliberately destroying trust-fund records.
Fun(20); Fun(20+; Fun(; Fun(&;
Fun(20) Fun(20+n) Fun(n) Fun(&n)
Fun(20); Fun(20+n); Fun(n); Fun(&n);