worded pessimistic optimistic indifferent
support the view that robots will play a major role in our life describe the life of Hans Moravec make fun of the views of Hans Moravec get people prepared for the threat of future robots
They will take over the information industry They will relieve us of many chores They will never surpass us They will become high-cost commodity items
increase the time allowed on those tasks that have float try to increase expenditures of time on only those tasks that are behind schedule replace those workers that are not performing up to par with the busy workers increase work efforts on those tasks that are on the critical path
dangerous and dull harmful but beneficial repetitive and dull easy but tiring
hypertext page protocol operation
although robots can do much dangerous and tiring work, humans are superior although humans are superior, robots can do much better in many areas of work robots will replace humans in more and more fields robots are superior to humans because they can do much work that humans can't do
stretch decrease exend grow
he likes his job he works non-stop he is very punctual he repairs clocks and watches
browsers servers hypertexts clients
They will be able to learn by themselves They will be able to recognize speeches and texts They will be able to predict problems They will be able to match human reasoning and behaviour
taken off taken down taken in taken over
They will be humans’mind-children They will look like previous biological children They will create a dangerous world They will rule the world
robots never complain about the tiring work the management can pay little and benefit a lot it is dangerous for humans to do some harmful work they have their own weaknesses and advantages