very;to much;to much;from very;from
beautiful similar pretty attractive
too much such much much too so much
packings piston rings distributor rings scraper rings
tell;from tell;of tell;apart tell;off
will ; thinking about never ; without thinking of always ; and remind hardly ; and remember
In a two-stroke/cycle engine, the rings run hotter, requiring the end gap to be greater Some provision must be made in a two-stroke/cycle engine to keep the rings from bindingin the ports No gap is required to exist between the ends of the ring when cold in a two-stroke/cycleengine, but a small gap is required in a four-stoke/cycle engine The gaps should be staggered on either side of a piston in a two-stroke/cycle engine,while staggering is not necessary in a four-stroke/cycle engine
so, that so, and as, that such, that
too much such much much too so much
wide compression rings are used oil rings are located above the piston chromium plating is used on all piston rings oil rings are located near the bottom of the piston skirt
tell them from tell from them tell them apart tell apart them
too much such much much too so much
familiar, separate familiar, tell alike, differ alike, distinguish
tell them from tell from them tell apart them tell them apart
so; that so; and as; that such; that