commanded said told wanted
should shut would be shut shut be shut
search would be searched be searched must be searched
Charged Governed Commanded Claimed
the relieving officer the officer to be relieved neither relieving officer nor the officer to be relieved both the relieving officer and the officer to be relieved
acknowledged appealed recommended commanded
Having commanded Commanded Being commanded To have commanded
must be finished be finished ought to be finished was finished
requested commanded begged suggested
made compromise smashed commanded
Ship security officer Company security officer Port facility security officer PSC officer
was finished were finished should finish be finished
be stopped to be stopped should stop stop
must follow followed had followed follow
the relieving officer shall allow his eyes to adjust to the lighting conditions the officer to be relived shall allow his eyes to adjust to the lighting conditions the relieving officer shall adjust the eyes of the officer to be relieved to the light condition the officer to be relieved shall adjust the eyes of the relieving officer to the light condition"
was finished were finished should finish be finished
adopted voted elected commanded
the assistant officer the captain the officer on duty the third officer"
deck officer engineer officer deck officer or engineer officer the master or the chief engineer officer"