fluent smooth flowing floating
Australia;Australia Australian;Australian Australia;Australian Australian;Australia
Ni-W<Ni-Mo<Co-Mo<Co-W Ni-W>Ni-Mo>Co-Mo>Co-W Ni-W<Co-W<Co-Mo<Ni-Mo Co-W>Ni-Mo>Co-Mo>Ni-W
how the month of birth-is related to life expectancy how the seasonal pattern affects the health of new-born babies how nutrition in different seasons influences life expectancy why people born in autumn are free from chronic illness
Ni/V大于1; V/Ni大于1; Ni/V等于1; V/Ni等于2
a mother giving birth in spring has less nutrition during her pregnancy B.a mother givens; birth in autumn eats more vitamins during the last stage of her pregnancy C.a baby born in spring receives no protection from infections D.a baby born in autumn is never subject to any infections
were, in on was, in ,in were, on, in was, in, on
niè 残渣余孽 萌蘖niè 啮齿niè niè 嗫 嚅 威慑shè 蹑手蹑脚niè nèn 皮肤稚嫩 懒散lǎn 水獭lài niān 拈轻怕重 玷污diàn 粘贴zhān ??
Statistics of births. Statistics of deaths. Statistics of breast feeding. Statistics of diseases.