didn’t; am going to don’t; would don’t; will didn't; will
It' s repaired It has been repaired It's being repaired It had been repaired
脊梁 贫瘠 给予 济济一堂 刀枪剑戟 潜心 虔诚 掮客 钳口结舌 黔驴技穷 悄声 硗薄 蹊跷 敲骨吸髓 愀然作色 埋怨 颟顸 螨虫 瞒天过海 蛮横无理
has grown have grown grew are growing
一幢/经幢 奔赴/投奔 哪里/哪吒 囚禁/禁受 模存/模真 切除/切磋 脏乱/内脏 潦倒/倒塌
if when which since
sceptical addicted available sensitive
剽掠 漂染 骠悍 瓢泼大雨 心里发飘 韶华 艄公 绍剧 年高德劭 少安毋躁 睥睨 裨将 稗官 俾众周知 髀肉复生 秕谷 毗邻 仳离 如丧考妣 蚍蜉撼树
Before Where Unless Until
Attend To attend Attending Having attended
hopes to hopes so hopes not hopes for
could express would express could have expressed must have expressed
迥乎(jǒng) 苑囿(yòu) 沃野(wò) 屏障(píng) 绵亘(gèn) 夯筑(hāng) 北麓(lù) 峪口(yù) 庐朐(qú) 部署(shǔ) 驿站(yì) 遮断(zhē) 享殿(diàn) 附近(fù) 被迫(pò) 遗址(zhǐ)
诚惶诚恐 诚心诚意 诚然 诚恳待人 移风易俗 平易近人 交易 轻而易举 义不容辞 无情无义 义愤 顾名思义 延年益寿 精益求精 利益 多多益善
according to regardless of in addition to in terms of