you have to sell something in order to buy something you have to buy something in order to sell something you don't have to buy something in order to sell something the seller and the purchaser are the same person
something easy enough something enough easy enough easy something easy enough something
no one; Everybody none; Somebody anyone; Somebody something; Nobody
would want to; didn’t had wanted to; didn’t wanted to; wouldn’t had wanted to; wouldn’t
that Della wanted to buy Della did want to buy did Della want to buy did Della wanted to buy
hurry up if you because something
something; anything something; nothing nothing; anything something; something
new anything something new n
want wants have wanted has wanted
something easy enough something enough easy enough easy something easy enough something
special something anything special something special special something
something easy enough something enough easy enough easy something easy enough something
no one; Everybody none; Somebody anyone; Somebody something; Nobody
want;something want;anything wanted;anything wanted; anything
something easy enough something enough easy enough easy something easy enough something