blamed charged scolded accused
Jim and his men didn't rob the family the family they were going to rob was not rich in fact the thief sent to the beautiful house was foolish enough the young man and the girl were husband and wife
charged blamed scolded accused
three young men sat sat three young men did three young men sit three young men sitting
young men and young women young women in the same industry middle-aged men and middle-aged women middle-aged women in the same industry
for whom at whom at which for which
three young men sat sat three young men did three young men sit three young men sitting
young men and young women young women in the same industry middle-aged men and middle-aged women middle-aged women in the same industry
charged blamed scolded accused
three young men sat sat three young men did three young men sit three young men sitting
Levels of education are closely related to productivity. Women are not as productive as men. Women receive less education than men. Goods produced by men are not as good as those by women.
three young men sat sat three young men did three young men sit three young men sitting
Levels of education are closely related to productivity. Women are not as productive as men. Women receive less education than men. Goods produced by men are not as good as those by women.
Levels of education are closely related to productivity. Women are not as productive as men. Women receive less education than men. Goods produced by men are not as good as those by women.
willing suitable accustomed like
Jim and his men didn't rob the family the family they were going to rob was not rich in fact the thief sent to the beautiful house was foolish enough the young man and the girl were husband and wife