be still busy for the next day's business becomes no longer quiet becomes more beautiful stops its business hours
the monitoring equipment is out of order separating effect becomes bad inner wall is contaminated separating effect becomes bad and inner wall is contaminated
heavier louder stronger happier
speak spoken speaking to speak
became started becomes grow
whatever; become whichever; become whatever; becomes whichever; becomes
The word;a word A word;the word Word;a word A word;a word
the more she becomes interested the more interested she becomes the more interested she becomes in the interested she becomes more in
it is used at home to do paper work it is used by a writer to type a novel it becomes the only means to an end a writer does not want to use it
liquid. water. smoke. hard.
Whatever; become Whichever; become Whatever; becomes Whichever; becomes
A.word, keep his words The word, keep his word Word, keep a word Word, keep his word
prevent the reel from advancing to rapidly twist the wire separate doublestranded wire cut the wire that becomes barbs