I’ve been told I’ve told I’m told I told
No, you can't Yes, you need Yes, you can No, you needn't
how much does it cost however much it costs no matter how it costs however does it cost much
needn't won't mustn't shouldn't
needn''t wouldn''t mustn''t shouldn''t
wouldn’t needn’t shouldn’t mustn’t
how much does it cost no matter how it costs however does it cost much however much it costs
needn't wouldn't mustn't shouldn't
however much it costs how much does it cost however does it cost much no matter how it cost
mustn't wouldn't shouldn't needn't
shouldn't mustn't needn't can't
shouldn’t mustn’t can’t needn’t
It doesn't matter I’m so sorry to hear that That’s very kind of you That’s not fair
needn’t wouldn’t mustn’t shouldn’t
I’ve been told I’ve told I’m told I told
needn’t wouldn’t mustn’t shouldn’t
shouldn't mustn't needn't can't