Because American people do not like to talk to each other. Because the society does not have small communities now. Because not many people say "hello" to each other when they meet. Because people no longer maintain close relations with each other.
People would not buy more food than was necessary. Food was delivered to people two or three times a week. Food was sold fresh and did not get rotten easily. People had effective ways to preserve their foo
in turn in return in love in need
to going with go to go with going
anything something nothing everything
something anything nothing everything
Million of Two millions Millions of Two millions of
Million of Millions of Two million of Two millions of
to say to learn speak for speaking
blamed blaming blame to blame
Right Wrong Not mentioned
nothing; why something; because nothing; because something; why
Million of Three millions Millions of Three millions of
To trap Trapping Trapped To be trapped
nothing;why something;because nothing;because something;why
Million of Millions of Three millions Three millions of