principle theory argument classification
use physical punishment for discipline have children who finish college have children who are out of control show less love to their children
vague difficult confusing clearly defined
did children rush rushed children children rush do children rush
children programs graduates designs
vague difficult confusing clearly defined
vague difficult confusing clearly defined
the relation between social class of the parents and their children’s rearing the similarities between working class and middle class parents the differences between parents of working class and the ones of middle class the relation between working class and middle class in their working places
self-confident reliable curious successful
vague difficult confusing clearly defined
self-confident reliable curious successful
use physical punishment for discipline have children who finish college have children who are out of control show less love to their children
self-confident reliable curious successful
use physical punishment for discipline have children who finish college have children who are out of control show less love to their children
use physical punishment for discipline have children who finish college have children who are out of control show less love to their children
did children rush rushed children children rush do children rush
the relation between social class of the parents and their children’s rearing the similarities between working class and middle class parents the differences between children of working class and tile ones of middle class the relation between working class and middle class in their working places
self-confident reliable curious successful
the relation between social class of the parents and their children’s rearing the similarities between working class and middle class parents the differences between children of working class and tile ones of middle class the relation between working class and middle class in their working places
the relation between social class of the parents and their children’s rearing the similarities between working class and middle class parents the differences between children of working class and the ones of middle class the relation between working class and middle class in their working places