tease attract annoy protect
tease attract annoy protect
tease attract annoy protect
ballast water boiler water bilge water sewage water
to grease greasing oiling lubricating
tease attract annoy protect
rub the eyes irritate the eyes wash the eyes with a heavy boric acid solution obtain medical help
want to show their existence by creating a culture of their own have a strong desire to be leaders in style and taste have no other way to enjoy themselves better want to irritate their parents
gravity motion ratio density
tease attract annoy protect
tease attract annoy protect
sq↑.front:=sq↑.front+1; sq↑.front:=(sq↑.Dont+1)% maxsize; sq↑.rear:=(sq↑.rear+1)% maxsize; sq↑.front:=(sq↑.front+1)% (maxsize+1);
Some young people get involved into the trend due to peer pressure. Those who dont receive hugs feel left out. Theres the danger that hugging slide into the more ominous territory of sexual harassment. Diseases could be transmitted more easily through the extra-long body contact.