accessible available adaptable acceptable
Nothing Something Everything Anything
no problem no hurry no doubt no wonder
Why not What for How come So what
变化的电场一定能够在其周围空间产生变化的磁场从而形成电磁波 当观察者向静止的声源运动时,接收到的声音的波长大于声源发出的波长 相对论认为时间和空间与物质的运动状态有关 泊松亮斑是光的干涉现象,全息照相的拍摄利用了光的衍射原理
闭合S.稳定后,电容器两端电压为E. 闭合S.稳定后,电容器的a极板带负电 断开S.的瞬间,通过R.1的电流方向向右 断开S.的瞬间,通过R.2的电流方向向右
however whichever whatever wherever
as a difficult subject as a subject the same difficult as as difficult a subject as the same difficult subject as
wouldn’t needn’t mustn’t oughtn’t
pardon me go ahead good idea forget it
rather than more than other than less than
how is it that what it is that how it is that what is it that