get across get away with get along with get down to
try to come try not come don’t come don’t be
Why not try on it? Why not try it on? Why don’t try on it? Why don’t try it on?
get out of get into get along get away with
get away from get rid of get away with get the hang of
get over get across get out of get away with
get out of get into get along get away with
get across get away with get along with get down to
get out of get into get away with get along
not try to try not to don’t try try not
get out of get into get along get away with
should don’t wouldn’t not
get along with get down to get across get away with
get out of get into get away with get along
get away from get away with get rid of get out of
get out of get into get along get away with
cheating to cheat cheats cheated
get away with get out get over get down to