During ballasting in port During loading of heavy cargo in mid-ship holds During correct loading pattern, but with heavy cargo During loading light cargo in end holds
which which time during which time during which
during; leave while; leave during; are away while; are away
during, at at, during at, at during, during
During operation at low speed During operation at rated speed, but low power output During acceleration All of the above
At the end of the project At the beginning of the project During each phase of the project During planning
their; during them; during their; on them; on
during this time during which so when during when
so during this time during which during which time so when
so during this time so during which during this time so when
so during this time during which during which time so when
during, at during , at the during the , at during the ,at the
so during this time during which during which time so when
During the First World War. During the Second World War. During the Civil War. During the Gulf War.
During the discussion remained silent when asking
when operating when not operating during the night time during daytime"
During the discussion remained silent when asking
which which time during which time during that time
during that their highest
burning turning flashing lightening"