result from lead to lie to come from
result from lead to lie in settle down
fun(); Bas fun(); Base:: fun(); Base->fun();
*.vbp*.frm *.frx *.vbp*.cls *.bas *.bas*.ocx *.res *.frm *.cls*.bas
reclaimed proposed indulged canceled
a decline in birth rates. opposition to the use of pesticides. pressing for better power production and energy use. a rapid increase in the funding of environment research.
cost-sharing between insurers and patients. moderate constraints on medical budgets. delivering consumers' costs to tax-payers. generous allocations of money to hospitals.
Bas fun (); Base:: fun (); Base->fun(); fun()
generous shy social brave
reclaimed proposed indulged canceled
In addition As a result On the contrary Not really
result from lead to lie in settle down
S2ˉ/S0 2ˉ BaS04/SO4 2ˉ SO4 2ˉ/BaS04 2 SO4 2ˉ/BaS04 SO4 2ˉ/2BaS04
*.vbp、*.rrm、*.frx *.vbp、*.cls、*.bas *.bas、*.OCX、*.res *.frm、*.cis、*.bas