Hello Hello World 3hello Hello World
touch hello.c mk hello.c rm hello.c new hello.c
Hello Hello World 3hello Hello_World
Hello World! Hello World Hello World
say hello tell hello to say hello to tell hello
cout>>"Hello world"; cin>>"Hello wofld; cout<<"Hello world"; cin<<"Hello wofld;
char s[]; s="HELLO!"; char *s; s="HELLO!"; char s[10]; s="HELLO!"; char *s; s="HELLO!";
hello.asp hello.html hello.htm hello.aspx
[Hello,world!] 'Hello,wOrld!' "Hello,world!", {Hello,world!}
How are you? Will you come tonight? Can I take a mesage? Is that Mike?
How are you? Will you come tonight? Can I take a message? Is that Mike?
"12hello8" "3hello8" 12hello 不能运算
http://hello@263.net hello&263.net hello@263.net hello@263@net
hello WORLD hello world HELLO WORLD HELLO world
cout>>"Hello!" cin>>"Hello!" cout<<"Hello!" cin<<"Hello!"
cout<<"Hello World"; cout>>"Hello World"; cin<<"Hello World"; cin>>"Hello World";