directors views applicants witnesses
DNA-polδ DNA-polα DNA-polγ DNA-polI DNA-polIII
A severe earthquake and the Second World War. The foreign occupation(占领) after the war. The population explosion(爆炸) between1945 and 1960. The rapid development of the city after the war.
definitely violently desperately delightfully
DNA-polI1,DNA内切酶 DNA外切酶,连接酶 RNA酶,解螺旋酶 Dna蛋白,SSB DNA拓扑异构酶,DNA-polI1(27/2002)
DNA-polδ DNA-polα DNA-polγ DNA-polI DNA-polIII
t-RNA前体 m-RNA 45SrRNA hnRNA snRNA
afraid frightened frightening scary
afraid frightened frightening scary
DNA-polδ DNA-polα DNA-polγ DNA-polI DNA-polIII
took the place took place took out took up
afraid frightened frightening scary
DNA-polδ DNA-polα DNA-polγ DNA-polI DNA-polIII
SSB DnaB蛋白 DNA-polI1 DnaG蛋白 none
scene situation view occasion
SSB DnaB蛋白 DNA-polI1 DnaG蛋白 none
DNA-polδ DNA-polα DNA-polγ DNA-polI DNA-polIII
DNA-polI1具有3'→5'外切酶活性 DNA-polI1具有5'→3'外切酶活性 DNA-polI3具有3'→5'外切酶活性 DNA-polI1和I3都具有3'→5'外切酶活性 none