Having shown Showing Has shown Having been shown
that have been shown this year that have shown that has been shown this year that you talked
has shown will show was showing showed
that have been shown this year that have shown that has been shown this year that you talked
Has...had Has...was HavE.had ArE.was
miracle cancer drugs often turn up unexpectedly. the mass media can wore wonders. curing cancers in mice is much easier than in humans. animals and humans are similar in behaviour.
Having shown Showing Has shown Having been shown
they have been shown that has been shown that have been shown which have been shown
come; should be shown has come; was shown came; was shown has come; be shown
Being shown Having shown Having been shown I’ve shown her
showed has shown will show is showing
that have been shown this year that have shown that has been shown this year that you talked
dating back dated back dating back to dated back to
an anomaly a delicacy a life-form a cure-all
an anomaly a delicacy a life-form a cure-all
Has...had Has...was HavE.had ArE.was
shows show have shown has shown
which has been shown that have been shown that have shown have been shown