laughs at his own joke repeats it several times is very serious when he tells it is concerned about the reaction of his listeners
silent genuine considerate outspoken
a well - known humanist a medical practitioner an enthusiast in animal rights a supporter of animal research
a leader role a lead role a supporting actress a supporter
laughs at his own joke repeats it several times is very serious when he tells it is concerned about the reaction of his listeners
their size their appearance the way they rest the kind of food they eat
double their number every year lose a lot of their babies move from place to place constantly fight and kill a lot of themselves
tells it only once tells the listener in advance that his story is funny doesn't care whether his listeners enjoy it or not is very serious when telling it
think thinks thinking thought
interests moves worries pleases
he’d like to collect coins as well he feels like collecting coins, too to collect coins is also his hobby collecting coins also pleases him
laughs at his own joke repeats it several times is very serious when he tells it is concerned about the reaction of his listeners
He became involved in anti-war demonstration in Berlin. He encouraged people to refuse conscription. He rejected the biblical idea of God. He became an outspoken supporter of Zionism.
shopper reader supporter driver
allows agrees pleases invents