which, it that, it which, one that, one
one where on which the one in which
a pleasant a most pleasant a more pleasant the most pleasant
ξ3>ξ2=ξ1 ξ3=ξ2>ξ1 ξ2>ξ3>ξ1 ξ3>ξ2>ξ1
A. older; city the older; cities the oldest; city the oldest; cities
What;an How;an What a;the How;the
one where one which the one in which
A. older, city the older, city oldest, cities the oldest, cities
翩跹xiān 兵燹之灾xiǎn 庠序xiáng手拎līng 采撷xié 畏葸不前xǐ 歆羡xīn 以飨读者xiǎng 骁勇善战xiāo 余弦相位、三相电xiàng 相亲xiāng 相中xiāng 寡廉鲜耻xiǎn 垂涎三尺xián
厦门 xià 纤维 xiān wéi 翩跹 xiān 勾股弦 xuán 鲜见xiǎn 肖像xiào 采撷 xié 叶韵 xiè 纸屑 xiè 机械xiè 省亲 xǐng 不朽xiǔ
taken up taken over taken down taken off
A.older; city the older; city oldest; cities the oldest; cities