he is nor does he neither he is neither is he
worked was working had worked would work
worked was working had worked would work
worked was working had worked would work
gift present ability skill
shiny black German black shiny German shiny German black. black German shiny
cosy+2yex+2xln2,xsiny-ex cosy-2yex-2xln2,xsiny+2ex cosy-2yex+2xln2,-xsiny-2ex siny-2yex+2xln2,cosy-2ex
斜线终点坐标(Xe,Ye),当︱Ye︱>︱Xe︱时,计数方向取GY 斜线终点坐标(Xe,Ye),当︱Xe︱>︱Ye︱时,计数方向取GY 圆弧终点坐标(Xe,Ye),当︱Xe︱>︱Ye︱时,计数方向取GY 圆弧终点坐标(Xe,Ye),当︱Xe︱<︱Ye︱时,计数方向取GY
must have prepared couldn’t have prepared must prepare could prepare
worked was working had worked would work
shiny German black black shiny German shiny black German black German shiny
worked has worked had worked would work