turn down turn up turn on turn off
turn down turn up turn on turn off
turn it on turn on it turn it off turn off it
turn up turn on turn down turn off
Turn it on Turn on it Turn it off Turn off it
turn down turn up turn on turn off
turn on turn off turn down turn up
Turn it on Turn it off Turn off it Turn on it
turn it off turn it down turn off it turn it on
turn down it turn off it turn it off turn it down
turn down turn up turn on turn off
take off put off turn off give off
Should you be doing Shouldn't you be doing Couldn't you be doing Will you be doing
Should you be doing Shouldn't you be doing Couldn't you be doing Will you be doing
Turn on it Turn it on Turn off it Turn it off
Turn on it Turn it on Turn off it Turn it off
turn turn off turn up turn down
Should you be doing Shouldn't you be doing Couldn't you be doing Will you be doing
ends end will be ended will end