武夷山,三坊七巷 福建土楼,三坊七巷 三坊七卷,泰宁金湖 武夷山,福建土楼
in search of in place of for lack of for fear of
《崇宁藏》 《毗卢藏》 《频伽藏》 《政和万寿道藏》
naturally successfully splendidly increasingly
general frequent normal particular
keep up with do away with get down to look forward to
sticking stuck to be stuck to have stuck
Reminding Reminded To remind Having reminded
everything anything something nothing
郑开极等人修纂的《福建通志(六十四卷)》 谢道承等人编纂的《福建通志(七十八卷)》 沈廷芳等人主撰的《福建续志(九十二卷)》 徐景熹等编纂的《福州府志(七十六卷)》
《闽部疏(一卷)》 《长溪琐语(一卷)》 《闽中录(八卷)》 《闽小纪(四卷)》
sending to send having sent to have sent