whole night was wasteD. A. couldn’t have waited didn’t need to wait shouldn’t have waited needn’t have waited
If we didn’t wait for If we haven’t waited for we hadn’t waited for Had we not waited for
returned started to be seen went away came in
If we didn’t wait for If we haven’t waited for we hadn’t waited for Had we not waited for
Then came the moment Then did the moment come Then the moment came The moment then came
Then came the hour Then did the hour come The hour came The hour then came
Then came the hour Then did the hour come Then the hour came The hour then came
past waited in box office
must have waited might have waited would have waited could have waited
will receive ; waited will receive ; have arrived receives; have waited receives; arrived
finally first then second
Then came the moment Then did the moment come Then the moment came The moment then came
have been waiting waited had waited would have waited
Then came the hour Then did the hour come Then the hour came The hour then came
had waited have waited were waiting waited
waited,to waited,until didn't wait,to didn't wait,until
were waiting; waiting were waiting; wait waited; waiting waited; wait
didn’t wait waited, until didn’t wait, before waited, after
needn`t wait should have waited needn`t have waited didn`t need to wait
didn’t need to wait needn’t have waited must have waited couldn’t have waited