insistent resistant persistent consistent
casual serious favorable critical
Moreover However Nevertheless Otherwise
what one something anything
the space of the ship the space of one hold what kind of cargo can be stowed how much cargo can be stowed
behavior gesture signal view
referred related attached associated
fixed granted given driven
rarely readily currently cautiously
the influence of western values. the improvement of economic status. the lack of equal opportunity laws. the obsoleteness of "'best before' date".
extent scope amount range
One’s physical appearance can influence our first impression. Our first impression is influenced by the sensitivity of our brain. Stereotypical impressions can be dead wrong. We should adopt mature thinking when getting to know people.
no difference no sense much difference much influence
divided derived disappeared distinguished
lifting raising cultivating enhancing
the growing number of schools in frontier communities an increase in the number of trained teachers the expanding economic problems of schools the increased urbanization of the entire country