Every times one time Every time Once a time
the same different particular polite
ff he got up earlier unless he had got up earlier but he had gotten up so late but he got up rather late
busy diligent careful punctual
Every time When every time By every time For every time
Does he be Are he Does he Is he
For the first time Every time that Every time The first time that
isn't; No, he isn't is; Yes, he is. isn't; Yes, he isn't is; No, he isn't.
if he got up earlier unless he had got up earlier but he had gotten up so late but he got up rather late
on time in time at times at a time
isn’t he hasn’t it hasn’t he isn’t it
ff he got up earlier unless he had got up earlier but he had gotten up so late but he got up rather late
usually never often always
isn't he hasn't it hasn't he isn't it