circuit breaker amplifier diode capacitor
circuit breaker amplifier diode capacitor
Polluter Emitter Spiller Oiler"
Right Wrong Not mentioned
VHF1系统故障 VHF1系统在发射方式超过60秒 VHF1系统天线故障 VHF1收发机在接收方式超过60秒
单模光纤的纤芯大,多模光纤的纤芯小 单模光纤比多模光纤采用的波长长 单模光纤的传输频带窄,而多模光纤的传输频带宽 单模光纤的光源采用发光二极管(Light EmiRing Diode),而多模光纤的光源采用激光二极管(Laser Diode)
increase the fuel oil temperature decrease the fuel oil temperature decrease the fuel oil supply pressure increase the air supply
发光二极管显示屏(Light Emitting Diode Panel,LED) 阴极射线管显示屏(Cathode—Ray Tube,CRT) 等离子显示屏(Plasma Display Panel,PDP) 液晶显示屏(Liquid Crystal Display Panel,LCD)
diode transformer transistor rheostat
单模光纤的纤芯大,多模光纤的纤芯小 单模光纤比多模光纤采用的波长长 单模光纤的传输频带窄,而多模光纤的传输频带宽 单模光纤的光源采用发光二极管(Light Emitting Diode),而多模光纤的光源采用激光二极管(Laser Diode)
intricate within alight contalninated
不填; the the; 不填 不填; an the; a
不填; the The; 不填 不填; an The; a
filling emitting polluting wasting